Friday, November 23, 2012

Collins Go Paleo

So in the hopes of getting healthy, losing weight and detoxing from crappy carbs Matt and I are going to try a Paleo diet. Paleo is basically eating like the cavemen: meats, vegetables, some fruit, nuts and seeds. It encourages good fats and does not support dairy. Matt loves his coffee so he is going to use dairy in his coffee still and I really like my Brown Cow Greek yogurt so I will allow myself one a day. Other than that we are really going to try to stick to Paleo. I found some recipes online and thought they would make the first week a bit easier. We headed to Whole Foods and got everything we will need for the week. $208 later (OMG!) and this is what we got: Meats: pork loin that will be broken up for 3 separate dinners, ground chicken thighs, and ground turkey. We already have some grass fed organic ground beef and burgers.
Meal plans are as follows: SUNDAY: Shephards Pie with mashed sweet potatoes in place of white potatoes MONDAY: pork tacos in lettuce leaves with guacamole TUESDAY: Spaghetti squash with ground chicken meat sauce WEDNESDAY: grilled chicken, mashed cauliflower and green beans THURSDAY: burgers on top of portobello mushroom caps, green beans FRIDAY: pulled pork, jicama and cabbage slaw SATURDAY: chicken with collard greens, mushrooms and onions BREAKFASTS: combos of Paleo Crunch recipe, eggs, bacon, or yogurt LUNCHES: either left overs from the night before or salads with meat on top SNACKS: (all homemade) baked sweet potato chips, chocolate coconut mouse, trail mix, celery with almond butter, apples, apple chips, bananas with almond butter