Sunday, December 2, 2012

Finished first week of our Paleo Lifestyle

Whew...I can't believe we've been eating Paleo Style for only a week now. It was a super easy transition, although an expensive one! Planning meals is the only way this will work for us. Its going to be a lot of work to meal plan and grocery shop for all ingredients each week but I think once we get into the groove it will become second nature. This week I made a Paleo recipe each night. By recipe I mean like a bunch of ingredients, following a specific series of steps not just cooking some meat and vegs. This coming week I think I will only do a couple of actual recipes and fill in the other meals with just meat/poulty and a couple side veggies (all still Paleo). It was very time consuming to come home from work each day and have to spend 45 minutes in the kitchen preparing dinner. Our day to day life is just to busy to do that every day. That being said, we liked every single recipe we made with the exception of one. Throughout the week I felt really good. I was never hungry and never felt deprived of anything. I felt like all I did was eat, not like when you're on a typical diet. I lost 4 pounds in 5 days. Not bad considering I didn't work at it. Matt lost double that. Each day we did allow for a little dairy. I had one yogurt and Matt had cream in his coffee. On day 6 we had a slice of birthday cake and both felt extremely gross for the rest of the night. This weeks menu will be: Meatloaf, carrots, green beans Chicken fajitas (no wrap), onions, peppers, home made guacamole honey apple pork roast, home made apple sauce, carrots egg, sausage, broccolli crustless Quiche, cantelope steak, mashed cauliflower, spinach chicken packets with a bunch of veggies