Sunday, February 13, 2011

Make your own laundrey detergent

Store bought laundry detergents are filled with toxic chemicals. Did you know most are pretroleum based? Even after rinsing your clothes are covered in the chemical residue. The scents added to the detergents are the most dangerous. I won't go into great detail about how toxic laundry detergent is, you can just Google it and find thousands of sites about that topic.
About 2 years ago I started using soap nuts for all of my families laundry. I liked them a lot, but they are hard to find in this area. I hate paying for shipping on online orders. If I could find them in a store i would probably go back to using them. They were cheap, easy to use, smelled nuetral, and most importantly they worked good. For the past 6 months I have been making my own detergent. This recipe is very cheap to make and lasts forever. I bought a large container of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda, Borax, and Oxiclean Free and Clear.
You just mix equal parts of these products in a container and add 1-2 tablespoons to each load of laundry. Clothes come out clean, odor free, and without static cling after drying.


  1. But what if you LIKE your clothes to smell? I cant stand clothes without a good smell to them.

  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhh I keep all but the arm & Hammer stuff in my house, I'm definitely gonna try this. Plus it should save money! :)

    Tara: Add your favorite organic scented oil...maybe that would work.....

  3. Sam-if you can't find washing soda, you can also use just baking soda. I did that the first few batches and I can't say i notice any difference.
    Tara-I love the smell of commercial laundry products but when you do the research its pretty scary. Sam had a good idea. You can put a drop of lavender oil on a cotton ball and toss it in the dryer. I did that a few times when I used the soap nuts. I just put a drop on the bag that the nuts went it.
